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TermiPass acts as a bridge between users and their Terminus systems, offering a seamless and secure connection from anywhere. This user-friendly software provides a range of features, including:

  • DID, Terminus Name, and Terminus devices management: Easily manage your digital identity, Terminus Name, and connected devices.
  • Secure Data Storage and Access: Store and access your documents, photos, and videos securely.
  • Workflow Management: Utilize TermiPass as a workflow tool to enhance productivity. Upcoming functions include Chat, Calendar, and Document.

Account Management

Manage multiple accounts to accommodate your various roles and identities.

Terminus Management

Activate, monitor, and manage your Terminus devices, including VPN connections.

File Management

Manage and synchronize files across various devices on your Terminus.

Password Management

Store, manage, and autofill passwords securely using Vault in Terminus.

Download TermiPass

PlatformDownload Link
AndroidInstall from Google Play
iOSInstall from AppStore
WindowsDownload from GitHub
MacDownload from GitHub
Chrome ExtensionDownload from GitHub


Terminus Name registration is only available on the Android and iOS versions of TermiPass.