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The Middleware section allows you to manage middleware in Terminus OS.


Only administrators can access the Middleware page.



The Details section in the Postgres page shows Postgres cluster data, including cluster name, deployment namespace, access address, and administrator password.

The Database section provides an overview of the PostgreSQL databases utilized by different applications within Terminus OS. It includes details such as database names, users, and passwords.



The detailed information shows MongoDB cluster data, including the cluster name, deployment namespace, access address, and the administrator password.

The Databases list below provides an overview of the MongoDB databases utilized by different applications within Terminus OS. It includes details such as database names, users, and passwords.



The detailed information shows Redis cluster data, including the cluster name, deployment namespace, access address, administrator password, and the Redis proxy access address.

The Databases list below provides an overview of the Redis datab utilized by different applications within Terminus OS. It includes details such as namespaces and passwords.



Zinc details display a list of indexes utilized by different applications within Terminus OS. The list shows index names, document counts, and storage space used. Buttons for Schema Configuration and Search Testing can be found on the right.

Clicking the Schema Configuration button will open a dialogue displaying the schema configuration in JSON format.


Clicking the Search button opens the Zinc Search dialog. You can perform full-text searches within the indexes using the Zinc Search syntax.

zinc search


You can use third-party applications to view database status in Terminus OS. For example, Bytebase is a multipurpose middleware for working with databases. In the following section, we will use Bytebase to demonstrate how to access database in the middleware.

Installing Bytebase from the Market

In the Terminus Market, locate Bytebase, click Get, and then click Install to install it.


Adding a PostgreSQL Instance

To add a PostgreSQL instance in Bytebase:

  1. In Bytebase, click Add Instance, and select PostgreSQL.

  2. Configure the instance as suggested below:

    • Specify the Instance Name to Terminus or others.
    • Choose either PROD or TEST for the Environment.
    • Get the HOST, USERNAME, PASSWORD information in theControl Hub's Middleware section.

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  3. Click Create to save the changes and connect the instance.

Now you should be able to view the details of the PostgreSQL instance you just added.

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Add a MongoDB Instance

To add a MongoDB instance in Bytebase:

  1. In Bytebase, click Add Instance, and select MongoDB.
  2. Configure the instance as suggested below:
  • Specify the Instance Name to Terminus or others.


    Do not use duplicate instance names.

  • Choose either PROD or TEST for Environment.
  • Get the HOST, USERNAME, PASSWORD information in the Control Hub's Middleware section.


  1. Click Create to save and connect the instance.

Now you should be able to view the details of the MongoDB instance you just added.

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Edit the Database

Click SQL Editor in the upper right corner of Bytebase to go to the Editor page for further operations.
