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Getting Started on Windows

This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get Terminus up and running on your Windows. Follow these steps to create your account, install Terminus, and start exploring the Terminus ecosystem.


Currently, Terminus on Windows has certain limitations including:

  • Lack of distributed storage support
  • Inability to add local nodes

We recommend using it only for development or testing purposes.


Step 1: Create a Terminus Name

Open TermiPass on your mobile, and create a new Terminus Name as instructed on the screen.


Terminus Name is your unique identifier within Terminus. Learn more about why you need a Terminus Name.

Step 2: Install Terminus

  1. Create a .wslconfig file in your Windows user directory (typically C:\Users\YourUsername\) with the following content:

  2. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following commands to install Ubuntu in your Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment:

    wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
    wsl --update


    You may need to restart your system after Ubuntu is installed if it's the first time installing WSL.

  3. In PowerShell, run the following command to obtain Windows host IP:

    netsh interface ipv4 show addresses

    Note the IP Address of your WLAN or Ethernet interface. It should start with You will need it when installing Terminus.

  4. Set up port forwarding for your WSL server.

    a. Get the IP address of the WSL server.

    wsl ip address show eth0 `| grep inet `| grep -v inet6 `| cut -d ' ' -f 6 `| cut -d '/' -f 1
    # This typically returns an IP address in format of "172.xx.xx.xx"

    b. Set up port forwarding rules:

    netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=80 listenaddress= connectport=80 connectaddress=<addr for hostname>
    netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=443 listenaddress= connectport=443 connectaddress=<addr for hostname>
    netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=30180 listenaddress= connectport=30180 connectaddress=<addr for hostname>
    # Replace <addr for hostname> with the IP address you get from step a.
  5. Configure the Ubuntu environment.

    a. Open the Start menu and search for Ubuntu-22.04, and click on the Ubuntu icon to launch your Linux environment.

    b. In Ubuntu, modify the /etc/wsl.conf file as specified below.


    Make sure you open the file with sudo privileges.

    command="mount --make-rshared /"   # Add this line
    generateHosts = false
    generateResolvConf = false # Allow manually managing hosts file and DNS settings
    hostname=terminus # Set the hostname for the WSL instance

    c. Shut down Ubuntu in PowerShell:

    wsl --shutdown Ubuntu-22.04

    Then, searching for Ubuntu-22.04 in the Start menu, and launch it by clicking on the Ubuntu icon.

    d. In Ubuntu, modify the hosts file and the resolv.conf file:

    sudo sh -c "echo \" localhost\n \
    $(ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}') $(hostname)\" > /etc/hosts && \
    echo \"nameserver\nnameserver\" > /etc/resolv.conf"


    This command binds Ubuntu's local IP with the host name, and configures DNS resolution to use Cloudflare's public DNS servers.

  6. Install Terminus.

    a. In Ubuntu, run the following command to install the latest build of Terminus:

    curl -fsSL |  bash -

    b. During installation, enter the Windows host IP ( you obtained earlier in step 3 when prompted. Then, press Enter to proceed.

    Install Windows IP

At the end of the installation, take note of the wizard URL for Terminus Activation wizard and your initial login password.

For more detailed instructions, see Install Terminus on Windows.

Step 3: Activate Terminus

  1. Open the Terminus Wizard in your browser using the URL and login with your initial password.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setups.
  3. Scan the QR code with TermiPass mobile to activate Terminus, and reset your login password.

For complete activation guidance, see the Wizard documentation.

Step 4: Log In to Terminus

On your Wizard page, log in to Terminus with the password you just reset and complete two-step verification on TermiPass. For more information, see the Login documentation.


Always Back up your mnemonic phrase to ensure account and data security.

Next Steps