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WebSocket is one of the most widely used technologies in modern front-end development. To simplify its use in Terminus app development, Terminus Application Runtime (TAPR) provides a common WebSocket component.


The Client is developed using JavaScript/TypeScript use the ws library. The application server provides the WebSocket through a URL formatted as wss://<appid>.<username>

Send Message

An example of WebSocket messages sent from clients is outlined below (other formats are also supported):

  "event": "...",
  "data": {...}


The client should send a 'ping' message every 30 seconds to keep the WebSocket connection alive. If the WebSocket service doesn't receive a 'ping' within the time limit, it will close the connection. The data format for the 'ping' message should adhere to the following structure:

  "event": "ping",
  "data": {}


The WebSocket Service offers multiple features:

  • It allows the server to communicate with clients either by broadcasting messages or responding to WebSocket messages sent by clients.
  • It can be used to close a WebSocket connection for a specific user or connection ID.
  • It provides the current connection list.

Both the App and WebSocket are deployed in the same container, allowing direct access to the WebSocket service via localhost. The service uses port 40010.

Broadcast Message

// URL:<http://localhost:40010/tapr/ws/conn/send>
// Request method: POST
// body
"payload": {}, // Message.
"conn_id": "<connId>", // Connection ID; used to respond to the client's single Ws request. Do not fill in connId when broadcasting to users
"users": ["<userName-1>", "<userName-2>"], // Specify users. If this field is filled in, it is a broadcast. Do not fill in connId in broadcast situation

// Response example
"code": 0,
"message": "success",

Close WebSocket Connection of Client

// URL:<http://localhost:40010/tapr/ws/conn/close>
// Request method: POST
// body
"conns": ["<connId>", ...], // Close specified connections
"users": ["<userName>", ...], // Close all connections for specified users

// Response example
"code": 0,
"message": "success",

Get Current Online Connection List

// URL:<http://localhost:40010/tapr/ws/conn/list>
// Request method: GET
// Response example
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
      "name": "<userName>",
      "conns": [
          "id": "<connId>", // Connection ID
          "userAgent": ""

Forwards Client Messages to App via WebSocket

There are three types of client messages that will be forward to App:

  • Establishing a client connection
  • Regular messages sent by the client
  • Client disconnected, which happens when the browser closes or network issues occur.

Client connection

// URL:<http://localhost:3010/websocket/message>
// Method: POST
// body

  "data": {},
  "action": "open", // action
  "user_name": "<userName>",
  "conn_id": "1" // WebSocket Connection ID

// When the app receives the "open" message, it will execute the associated processes.

Regular messages

// URL:<http://localhost:3010/websocket/message>
// Method: POST
// header, the original Cookie of the client will be passed to the backend application
Cookie: .... // New feature in version v1.0.3

// body
"data": { ... }, // The original data sent by the client to WSGateway, the internal structure is {"event":"", "data": {...}}
"action": "message", // action
"user_name": "<userName>",
"conn_id": "1", // WebSocket Connection ID

// After processing, the app returns the data to the client through the "Broadcast Message" API.

Client Disconnected

The WebSocket service callback the App when it receives a close message

// URL:<http://localhost:3010/websocket/message>
// Method: POST
// body

  "data": {},
  "action": "close", // action
  "user_name": "<userName>",
  "conn_id": "1" // WebSocket Connection ID

// When the app receives the "close" message, it will execute the associated processes.

Deploy WebSocket Service in App

To use this feature, simply add the websocket configuration to the TerminusManifest.yaml file in TAC.

    url: /ws/message
    port: 8888

WebSocket is a component that facilitates message forwarding between the client and the App. Consequently, the App must provide an API for WebSocket to manage ws messages from the client. For instance, in the example above, the APP should provide an API named /ws/message on port 8888.