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Service Provider

App developers can define the ProviderRegistry in TAC or request permission to call other providers.

Define Provider

kind: ProviderRegistry
  # Provider name. A namespace is required to prevent duplication.
  name: provider-{{ .Release.Namespace }}

  # provider registry needs to be installed under user-system
  namespace: user-system-{{ .Values.bfl.username}}
  version: v2   #The latest version is v2, but the system remains compatible with v1.

  # dataType of provider, it is recommended to add app name to prevent duplication.
  dataType: legacy_{{ .Release.Name }}
  deployment: {{ .Release.Name }}
  description: {{ .Release.Name }} legacy api v2

  # accessible service from the provider. Usually it is <appServiceName>.<appNameSpace>:<servicePort>
  endpoint: {{ .Release.Name }}-svc.{{ .Release.Namespace }}:1234

  # group of the provider; it is recommended to add the app name to prevent duplication.
  group: api.{{ .Release.Name }}
  kind: provider
  namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
    # name of the provided API
    - name: AppApi
      # URL of the API
      uri: /api  
  state: active

Request Permission to Call Provider

You can configure it in the TerminusManifest.yaml as follows:

- appName: providerapp  # The appname of the api provider. Required for ProviderRegistry v2. 
  port: 8888  # The port of the provider service

  # The default domain of provider is <appName>-svc.<appName>-<username>:<port>, if the service name and app namespace is not in default format, you can specify it in following field  
  svc: app-svc  # Name of the service. Optional for ProviderRegistry v2.
  namespace: ns # Namespace of the app. Optional for ProviderRegistry v2.

  version: v2   # version of the ProviderRegistry
  dataType: legacy_{{ .Release.Name }}  # dataType defined in ProviderRegistry
  group: api.{{ .Release.Name }}   # group defined in ProviderRegistry
  - AppApi   # name of opApis defined in ProviderRegistry

Once configured, you can add the access key and access secret to the templates in TAC. They will be injected during installation for authorized usage.

    value: system-server.user-system-{{ .Values.bfl.username }}
  - name: OS_APP_SECRET

    # The appname is defined in the TAC
    value: "{{ .Values.os.<appnane>.appSecret }}"
  - name: OS_APP_KEY
    value: "{{ .Values.os.<appname>.appKey }}"

You can use these three environment variables in the code to call the Provider. Take curl as an example:

  1. Get the access token, which has a valid duration of 5 minutes. Token encryption algorithm: bcrypt(app key timestamp app secret), default cost 10.

    now=$(date +%s)
    token=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 USER "${OS_APP_KEY}${now}${OS_APP_SECRET}"|awk -F":" '{print $2}')
    curl -X POST http://${OS_SYSTEM_SERVER}/permission/v1alpha1/access -H "content-type: application/json" \
      -d "{ \
      \"app_key\": \"${OS_APP_KEY}\",         \
      \"timestamp\": ${now},                  \
      \"token\": \"${token}\",                \
      \"perm\": {                             \
          \"group\": \"service.bfl\",         \
          \"dataType\": \"app\",              \
          \"version\": \"v1\",                \
          \"ops\": [                          \
          \"InstallDevApp\"                   \
          ]                                   \
      }                                       \
  2. You will receive a response like:

      "code": 0,
      "message": "success",
      "data": {
        "access_token": "JDJ5JDEwJE5Wbk9vbFpoLjJlSGxhUUpRY1IwRmVZVjFBWmUxUi5LOXNuQWJmVjRnN29xNWVVaFhPWmV5"
  3. You can then use the token to call the provider's API

    # API URL format http://${OS_SYSTEM_SERVER}/system-server/v1alpha1/<dataType>/<group>/<version>/<op>
    curl http://${OS_SYSTEM_SERVER}/system-server/v1alpha1/app/service.bfl/v1/InstallDevApp \
      -H "content-type: application/json" \
      -H "X-Access-Token: ${access_token}"  \
      -d '{"data":"post to provider"}'